The History of Computers : From the Original IBM to Today’s Smart AI Computers |
History of Computers
In 1957, the world was introduced to the most revolutionary invention that would forever change the way we live and work. History of Computers The first computer, also known as the mainframe computer, was invented by a team at International Business Machines (IBM) in Endicott, New York. Since then, computers have been, constantly evolving into more advanced machines that can perform various functions quicker and more efficiently than before. presented the history of computers
Those who are looking to get a basic understanding of how computers came to be may want to read this article about computers. Here you will learn about the history of computers from their original invention to the modern artificial intelligence computers that we see today. Keep reading for an informative look into this amazing information about how computers came to be and where they are going in the future!
The History of Computers: From the Original IBM to Today’s Smart AI Computers
First, let’s take a look at the historic events and discoveries that lead to the creation of the first computer. In 1948, the world was introduced to the most revolutionary invention that would forever change the way we live and work. The first computer, also known as the mainframe computer, was invented by a team at International Business Machines (IBM) in Endicott, New York. Since then, computers have been constantly evolving into more advanced machines that can perform various functions quicker and more efficiently than before. The history of computers, as we know it, began on June 2, 1948 when the world’s first computer was invented by a team at IBM in Endicott, New York. The device weighed more than 10 tons, ran on thousands of vacuum tubes, and was much too large to be moved out of the room in which it was built. A few months later, the machine was given the name “Mark I” because, according to one of the inventors, it could only “mark” data and not “calculate” it.
1948 – The Birth of the Computer | History of Computers
The conception of the first computer was led by Dr. John W. Mauchly (the man who invented the first modern computer) and Dr. J. Presper Eckert (the man who built the first computer). On June 2, 1948, the world’s first computer was invented by a team at IBM in Endicott, New York. The device weighed more than 10 tons, ran on thousands of vacuum tubes, and was much too large to be moved out of the room in which it was built. A few months later, the machine was given the name “Mark I” because, according to one of the inventors, it could only “mark” data and not “calculate” it. Mark I was a huge machine that contained thousands of vacuum tubes, hundreds of thousands of resistors and capacitors, tons of steel, and 17,000 miles of wire. This device was so large that it took up the space of a room the size of a tennis court. It was later described by one expert as “a pile of wires and broken parts”.
1950 – Integrated Circuits and Microchips were Invented | History of Computers
In July 1950, the first integrated circuits were invented by Dr. William Shockley and his colleagues. They were known as transistors. In 1951, the first computer program was written by a woman named Grace Hopper. In 1952, the first computers were used for business applications. In 1953, the first portable computer was invented. In 1954, computers were used for government purposes. In 1956, the first computer languages were created. In 1958, the first computer virus was discovered. In 1959, the first massively parallel computer was invented. In 1961, the first computer to use integrated circuits was invented. In 1962, the first computer to use a software program was invented. In 1963, the first portable computer was invented. In 1964, the first computer graphics were created. In 1965, the first computerized airline reservation system was invented. In 1969, the first computer to use a microchip was invented. In 1971, the first computer with a microprocessor was invented.
1960 – Integrated Electronic Computers Were Developed | History of Computers
In 1951, the first general-purpose computer was created. In 1953, the first computer to be used for commercial purposes was invented. In 1956, the first computer language was created. In 1957, the first computer to be used for business purposes was invented. In 1959, the first computer to use integrated circuits was invented. In 1959, the first computer virus was created. In 1959, the first computerized airline reservation system was invented. In 1962, the first computer to use a software program was invented. In 1962, the first portable computer was invented. In 1963, the first computer graphics were created. In 1964, the first computerized airline reservation system was created. In 1965, the first computer to use integrated circuits was invented. In 1965, the first computer with a microprocessor was invented.
1970 – Introduction of Theory of Computing and Software Development | History of Computers
In the early 1940s, a number of people and companies were actively involved in the development of digital computers, including John Atanasoff, George Stibitz, Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, and their colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania, the Moore School of Electrical Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, and in other places. The first computer was not invented by a single person or company. The first computer was invented by a team at International Business Machines (IBM) in Endicott, New York. It was not until the late 1960s and early 1970s, that computer engineers and mathematicians began to understand the theory of computing and software.
1980 – Advancements in Microprocessor Technology | History of Computers
Microprocessors are small computer circuits that can perform a limited set of simple operations, such as adding numbers and getting input from a keyboard. They are smaller than the computers that people commonly use. Microprocessors were invented in the late 1960s and were used on all the personal computers that were developed in the 1970s and 1980s. In the early 1980s, engineers at Intel and other companies developed microprocessors that could be used in computers that run programs. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, these microprocessors were used in the first “network computers,” which could connect to a computer network and run programs over the network.
1990 – The Age of Personal Computers (PCs) and Smartphones | History of Computers
The concept of a computer network was present in the earliest days of the internet. The first network was developed by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in the U.S. in the early 1960s. In the 1980s, a computer network called the Internet was developed to link computers at universities and government agencies. The internet was invented as a way for computers to communicate and share information, and it was also used for email and instant messaging as well as for file transfer. In the early 1990s, computers called personal computers (PCs) were developed to be used in offices and homes. The first mobile phones were developed in the 1980s and 1990s. In the early 1990s, engineers developed the first handheld computers, which were the size of a small book.

2000 – Advancements in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
In the early 1990s, a new field of computer science was developed called artificial intelligence. It was the goal of researchers to make computers do what they do in science fiction movies, such as The Terminator or 2001: A Space Odyssey. In the early 2000s, engineers developed robots that could perform tasks that require human intelligence, such as cleaning a house or picking and packing orders in a warehouse. In the early 2000s, computers were used to make sophisticated mathematical models that could forecast weather patterns and predict the occurrence of earthquakes. In the early 2000s, computers were used to translate documents from one language to another language by reading the document and then converting the words into the language of the reader. These computers were sometimes called “robots” because they could do tasks without human intervention.
2010 – The Rise of Smart AI Computers | History of Computers
In the early 2010s, artificial intelligence systems were used to answer questions and make predictions about events in the world, such as sports. In the early 2010s, computers were used to recognize objects and people in images and videos. In the early 2010s, computers were used to translate documents from one language to another language without human intervention. In the