MakeMyTrip Sees Corporate Travel Platform Register 3X Growth Over Pre-Covid Era

MakeMyTrip Sees Corporate Travel Platform Register 3X Growth Over Pre-Covid Era


With travel demand back to its pre-covid numbers, MakeMyTrip continues to growth trajectory in the B2b travel segment as well. The company has two different entities that cater to the large, mid and small enterprises, for which it has MyBiz and then you have Quest2Travel that focuses on the conglomerates and enterprises.

The company claims that it has added 15000 SMEs since January this year, helping its b2b business to have 46,000 clients under its wing. MyBiz has recorded 3x growth over the pre-covid era, which is no mean feat as companies still trying to balance out between remote and travel work needs.

MyBiz currently has more than 6300 large & mid-market corporates & more than 39,900 SMEs that have been onboarded for their travel and hospitality needs. Some of the leading corporate clients that MyBiz has onboarded in the current year include Max Bupa, Licious, Upgrad, Uniqlo, Hitachi, Blue Energy, Urban Company and Livspace among others.

MakeMyTrip claims that it is working to make the onboarding and billing process simpler, which could have a big role in attracting clients, especially in the business enterprise arena, who value time and ease of use over anything else. This improved system has helped it onboard 1 client every working day, the company mentions.

“Our intent to automate the entire travel booking process for corporate travelers, offering a b2c experience on a b2b platform, has started delivering impressive results. The high level of automation adds convenience & transparency, which further leads to valuable savings on travel budget for our corporate clients,” said, Rajesh Magow, Co-Founder & Group CEO, MakeMyTrip.

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