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Pokémon GO Festival Of Colors Returns For Holi Celebration In India: Bonuses, Extra XP And More


Edited By: Shaurya Sharma

Last Updated: March 03, 2023, 15:05 IST

Pokemon GO Festival of Colours promises a host of event bonuses. (Image: Niantic)

Pokemon GO Festival of Colours promises a host of event bonuses. (Image: Niantic)

To mark the occasion of Holi, Niantic is organizing the third edition of their Pokémon GO Festival of Colors in India — with surprises around PokéStops and the introduction of Mega Medicham and Bruxish.

To mark the occasion of Holi, Niantic is organizing the third edition of their Pokémon GO Festival of Colors in India. This celebration, which is also the second edition to be held globally, aims to bring forth the joy of the spring season.

As part of the festivities, players can expect to discover colorful surprises around PokéStops and within the game, as well as the introduction of Mega Medicham and Bruxish.

The festival offers players a unique opportunity to encounter a diverse range of Pokémon, including the likes of Durant, Chimecho, Noibat, Jigglypuff, Emolga, Dedenne, Hitmontop, Unown G and Unown O, through a series of special research tasks.

In addition to these encounters, players can also enjoy a range of event bonuses—including the extension of Lure Module activations to a generous three-hour timeframe. And, taking snapshots during the event can lead to some surprises, while Friendship levels will increase twice as fast, providing opportunity to build new connections with other players.

Pokémon GO Festival of Colors will take place from Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 8:00 p.m.

More opportunities in the Pokémon GO Festival of Colors event: 

  • Complete the Festival of Colors Collection Challenge before the event ends to earn 20,000 XP and a Lure Module.
  • Pokémon in the wild: Lickitung, Galarian Zigzagoon, Paras, Krabby, Koffing, Natu, Wobbuffet, Shuckle, Wingull, Plant Cloak Burmy, Sand Cloak Burmy, Trash Cloak Burmy, Stunky, and Bruxish.
  • Gamers taking part in raids can encounter Espurr, Rockruff, Mareanie, Bruxish, Exeggutor, Alolan Exeggutor, Cryogonal, Druddigon, and Ho-Oh.
  • Completing event-themed Field Research tasks to encounter rare Pokémon such as Alolan Grimer, Castform, Oricorio and more.
  • A new avatar ‘Color Toss Pose’ will be available for purchase during and after the event.

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