New Delhi: Global technology brand Lenovo on Thursday launched its latest Android-powered consumer tablet — the Lenovo Tab P12 with a 12.7-inch screen in India. The Tab P12 is available to purchase on the company’s official website and key online stores with limited-period special offers at a starting price of Rs 34,999. The tablet comes with 8GB of RAM and 256 GB of storage.
“Our new Tab P12 is designed to meet those needs. It’s a versatile tablet that can be used for work, play, and everything in between. We believe it will resonate with students, professionals, and anyone who wants a dynamic device that adapts to their lifestyle,” Sumati Sahgal, Head of Tablets and Smart Devices, Lenovo India, said in a statement. (Also Read: Innovative Business Idea: Invest Rs 5,000 To Rs 10,000 And Earn Rs 1800 To Rs 3000 Per Day – Unlocking Daily Dividends)
The tablet’s 12.7-inch LCD display has a 3K resolution, which offers 50 percent more pixel density than an FHD display, thereby rendering it ideal for streaming, creative endeavours, and light gaming, according to the company. (Also Read: After PUBG, Another Banned Game Free Fire Returns To India)
The tablet incorporates a quad JBL speaker system and Dolby Atmos support for an immersive and multi-dimensional audio experience. With a 10,200 mAh battery and up to 8GB RAM powered by an octa-core processor, this tablet will provide quick and smooth operations.
The tablet has an 8MP rear camera and an ultra-wide 13MP front camera, which improves online video calls and classes, and its sleek and lightweight design allows for easy portability across campus.
For precise notetaking, diagramming, or PDF annotation, the Tab P12 comes with the Lenovo Tab Pen Plus, an intuitive stylus that harmonises effortlessly with the Nebo and MyScript Calculator 2 apps, the company said.
The tablet can also transform into a wireless drawing pad for Windows PCs using Lenovo Freestyle, and it can also switch from entertainment to productivity by snapping on its ThinkPad-inspired keyboard for typing.
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