What is Networking Cable ? (network communication media) Searchingit.in

What is Networking Cable ? (network communication media) Searchingit.in

What is Networking Cable ? (network communication media) Searchingit.in

What is Networking Cable!

It is easy to connect an Local Network (Ethernet) cable and set up an Network connection between two or more computer and your network hub, network switch. now what is networking cable?

Simply plug one end of your Ethernet cable into your computer and the other into one of your network hub’s Ethernet ports. That’s it, you can now enjoy fast, reliable internet. via Network Cable Cat, Cat5, Cat6 (LAN)

Now What is Networking Cable (Cat, Cat5, Cat6) and other all versions of the Networking cables

Types of Networking Cables – we have in this time of 2022 various version and types of Networking Cables What is Networking Cable!

Twisted pair cable STP – STP (shielded twisted pair) Cable which is use in Local Area Network (LAN) and covered by shielded for protects electromagnetic field in our network area.

UTP (unshielded twisted pair cable) Cable which is use in Local Area Network (LAN) electromagnetic field in our network area.

Coaxial cable it is same like dis TV cable and it is used in Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) for long distance networking. in this Coaxial cables we have some different types of uses and structure designs

Thinnet Coaxial cables – It is use in short distance and data send up to 185 meters (10 based 2) (10Mbps, base band method, 200 meters) only. we can’t use Thinnet Coaxial cables after that masoned distance.

Thicket Coaxial cables – It is use in long distance networking and data send up to 500 meters (10 base 5) and speed is more then Thinnet Coaxial cables.

FOC (Fibre optical cable) – it is using in large company and very long distance of networking up to 2km-10km it is very costly and we call as Fiber cables and Fiber optical cables. using by Internet Service Provider (ISP) and large companies.

Here some Cat cable color coadding’s how to make a connector for connecting the devices to Network Cabling ! What is Networking Cable

Making cable and attached to computer crimping tool is curled cabling. What is Networking Cable

Types of cabling of Cat cables or LAN Cables It is used to connect in a Local Area Network To all devices like computes, printers, cameras, local network switch and routers and all Network Devices.

  1. Striate cable
  2. Cross cable
  3. Common cable

Striate cable – it is use for different device attached as like switch to computer, switch to router. What is Networking Cable

Color Coding

2Orange whiteOrange white
4Blue whiteBlue white
6Green whiteGreen white
8Brown whiteBrown white

Cross cable – it is use for connecting same device as like PC to PC.

Color Coding

2Orange whiteGreen white
4Blue whiteBlue white
6Green whiteOrange white
8Brown whiteBrown white

Common cable – it is use for any device as like PC to PC or PC to switch and it used mostly in small organizations and all small companies.

Color Coding

2Orange whiteOrange white
5Blue whiteBlue white
6Green whiteGreen white
8Brown whiteBrown white

Common cable – it is use for any device as like PC to PC or PC to switch and it used mostly in small organizations and all small companies.

what is networking cable

Color Coding

1Green WhiteOrange White
3Orange WhiteGreen White
4BlueBrown White
5Blue WhiteBrown
7Brown WhiteBlue
8BrownBlue White

Common cable – it is use for any device as like PC to PC or PC to switch and it used mostly in small organizations and all small companies.

Color Coding

1Orange WhiteOrange White
3Green WhiteGreen White
5Blue WhiteBlue White
7Brown WhiteBrown White

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