Priced at Rs 42,990 in India, the Sony HT-S2000 soundbar comes with a built-in dual subwoofer and deep bass. Image: Bharat Upadhyay/News18
The sound bar has a dedicated centre speaker for clear dialogue delivery and an up-mixer for a three-dimensional surround sound experience.
Japanese tech giant Sony has been doing good in the audio segment market. With a wide range of headphones, earphones, woofers, and soundbars, the company has gained the trust of consumers globally. Sony often brings audio devices in all ranges to meet the demands of all users. Recently, Sony unveiled its latest offering, the HT-S2000 Dolby Atmos soundbar, in India.
Sony HT-S2000 Soundbar Price
Priced at Rs 42,990 in India, the Sony HT-S2000 soundbar comes with a built-in dual subwoofer and deep bass. We used the Sony HT-S2000 soundbar for over two weeks and here’s what I have to say about the latest offering from Sony. This soundbar is compatible with Sony’s new Home Entertainment Connect app.
Sony HT-S2000 Soundbar Connectivity
To set up the soundbar, simply connect it to your TV using the provided HDMI cable and download the necessary app. This will initiate the setup process. Another option is to connect the HT-S2000 soundbar to your TV using its built-in Bluetooth feature if your TV supports Bluetooth connectivity. I have Sony TV so the soundbar did not take much time to connect. Once you are connected to the app, it allows you to control the bass level and volume. The only disappointing part was that the device is not offering WiFi connectivity.
The Sony HT-S2000 soundbar comes with three speakers inside. These speakers are shaped like rectangles, which helps them produce sound without moving too much. The soundbar also has built-in subwoofers for bass, but you can attach an additional wireless subwoofer for even stronger bass. The company is offering an optional wireless subwoofer (SA-SW5 / SA-SW3) and wireless rear speakers (SA-RS3S) for the sound bar for enhanced audio performance. Once your soundbar is connected with woofers and speakers, you can expect loud, clear, and cinematic sound.
Sony HT-S2000 Soundbar Specifications And Performance
The soundbar also comes with Vertical Surround Engine and S-Force PRO Front Surround. With virtual surround technology, the soundbar can position sound in vertical space. S-Force PRO virtually reproduces the surround sound field, with audio coming from both sides. The sound bar has a dedicated centre speaker for clear dialogue delivery and an up-mixer for a three-dimensional surround sound experience. The brand has loaded the sound bar with its X-Balanced speaker unit, which gives better vocal clarity and less distortion. It comes with support for Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS Virtual:X, AAC, and SBC.
During my testing, I connected the HT-S2000 soundbar to my Sony Bravia TV in a large living room space. The audio experience while watching web series and movies on platforms like Netflix, JioCinema, and Amazon Prime was excellent. The good part is that the Sonty HT-S2000 soundbar handles both low and high frequencies exceptionally well. The HT-S2000 soundbar also comes with a remote that offers convenient shortcuts and options, enhancing the overall user experience. I liked the Night Mode, which maintains an even frequency range at low volume, and Voice Mode – which helps you hear the dialog over all the other sound effects. Overall, the audio quality was excellent.
When you add the SA-RS3S rear speakers to the setup, it enhances the audio experience, providing a more immersive sound and clearer mid-range frequencies. In my experience, the inclusion of the SA-SW3 rear speakers significantly improved the overall performance of the soundbar, taking the audio experience to a different level. It is important to note that the soundbar alone is sufficient for daily usage. However, for those seeking a true home theater experience, adding additional rear speakers is not a bad option at all.
Sony HT-S2000 Soundbar Verdict
Priced below Rs 50,000 in India, The Sony HT-S2000 soundbar offers powerful audio performance with deep bass and clear dialogue delivery. It provides a cinematic sound experience and supports various audio formats including Dolby Atmos. While the soundbar alone is suitable for daily usage, adding rear speakers will be good for a complete home theater experience. For those who are looking for a premium soundbar in India, the Sony HT-S2000 can be a nice choice.
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