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Samsung Users Face Lockscreen Bug With This OneUI Version, Now Fixed


Last Updated: May 29, 2023, 19:12 IST

Samsung phones with the OneUI 5.1 version faced this problem

Samsung phones with the OneUI 5.1 version faced this problem

Samsung has been quick to fix the problem for Galaxy phone users but not all issues have been fixed yet.

Samsung Galaxy phones running on the OneUI 5.1 version faced screen lock issues which the company finally admitted. Many users claimed that after they upgraded their phone to the OneUI 5.1 version, the lock screen stopped working properly.

Many of the affected owners shared their concern on social media, where they said that after the update, the phone’s lock screen would randomly activate itself or make the phone unusable with a blank screen.

Samsung has already noticed the issues and promised to fix the problem for all the phones running on the OneUI 5.1 version. The company was quick to release a new update which fixes the lock screen bug and many of those who installed the update confirmed that the bug has been solved and their lock screen is now functioning normally.

If your phone is still facing the bug, we suggest you check the phone’s Settings for a new software update alert that will surely fix the problem. Just click on the Download and Install option to get the new OneUI version and restart the phone to see the lock screen working fine.

It is good to see Samsung quickly note the issue and release a fix as well. Having said that, some users also claim that the OneUI 5.1 version has caused other issues like the phone becoming slow after the update, while some people are facing battery drain issues. Samsung is yet to acknowledge these issues but we expect that the next update will fix the other problems faced by people after installing the OneUI 5.1 version.

With the Android 14 version already available for non-Pixel devices, it is likely that Samsung has already started working on the OneUI 6.0 version which should be based on the new Android version. The company could reveal the details of the new version when it launches the new Galaxy Z Fold 5 series, which is reportedly expected to happen earlier this year, somewhere in July as per reports.


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