New Delhi: The central government has launched the Sanchar Saathi portal –www.sancharsaathi.gov.in — to help people track their lost or stolen mobile phones. Using the Sanchar Saathi Portal, users can also access their SIM card number and block it if anybody is found using the SIM through the owner’s ID.
Three reforms have been introduced through this portal –CEIR (Central Equipment Identity Register), know your mobile connections and ASTR (Artificial Intelligence and Facial Recognition powered Solution for Telecom SIM Subscriber Verification).
The CEIR is for blocking stolen/lost mobiles while know your mobile connections is to know mobile connections registered in your name and the ASTR will help to identify fraudulent subscribers.
How To Block Lost Mobile Phone Via Govt’s Sanchar Saathi Portal
Visit Sanchar Saathi Portal link https://ceir.sancharsaathi.gov.in/Request/CeirUserBlockRequestDirect.jsp
Feed in Device Information like Mobile number, IMEI number, Device brand
Then proceed to feed in Lost Information like Lost Place, Date, Police complaint number
Then you will be required to furnish details of your personal information like your name, address, identity and other details
Next you will have to select a mobile number where an OTP would be sent
Select the declaration box and submit the button
Your smartphone will be blocked, others won’t be able to use it
How To Unblock Lost Mobile Phone Via Govt’s Sanchar Saathi Portal
Visit Sanchar Saathi Portal link https://ceir.sancharsaathi.gov.in/Request/CeirUserUnblockRequestDirect.jsp?OWASP-CSRFTOKEN=J9UQ-6LC1-P779-OF77-NKO6-6O7M-O70O-UOZZ
Fill the Request for un-blocking recovered/found mobile
Feed in the details like your Request ID, Mobile number Which was provided for OTP/Notifications while blocking and Reason for Un-blocking
Enter the Captcha code and click get the OTP
Now click the submit button
Your Mobile phone will be unblocked and you can now start using it
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